I don’t need a parachute… to land in Europe!

aug. 4, 2015 | Proiecte 2012

[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]GENERALITIES[/highlight]

The project „I don’t need a parachute… to land in Europe!” is a 10 months project implemented by Corona Foundation from Romania in partnership with SPARK Organisation from Amsterdam and financed by the European Commission. The project has a cross border dimmenssion and it is implemented on the EU and Balkan states’ territory from 1 of December 2011 untill 30 of September 2012.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]GOAL[/highlight]

The goal of the project is to inform the EU citizens about the current enlargement of EU towards Western Balkans and to promote tolerance by stimulating direct and indirect contacts between young people from EU and Western Balkans countries.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]ACTIVITIES[/highlight]

  1. Running a contest on internet

The contest will be the instrument for selecting EU ambassadors and participants to the summer school that will be organised in Romania.

  1. Running a summer school

A summer school will be organised in July 2011. The course agenda will comprise information related to the EU history, economy and policies, information about the candidate and potential candidate countries (economic, political and cultural aspects) and available funds for pre-accessing countries. The number of participants will be 100.
The participants to the summer school will become Ambassadors of the event end. .

  1. Running a EU Ambassadors Campaign

The Ambassadors, which have previous participated to the summer school, will have to inform 10.000 people from their own country about the benefits and risk of the EU enlargement.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]TARGET GROUP[/highlight]

  • 300 young peoplecoming from EU and Western Balkans, out of which minimum 40 coming from Western Balkans, participants to the contest organised on the internet, respecting the following criteria:
    • age between 18 and 30 years,
    • students or university graduated
  • 100 young peoplecoming from EU and Western Balkans, participants to the summer school, in order to became EU Ambassadors, respecting the following criteria:
    • age between 18 and 30 years,
    • students or university graduated
    • 40 of the selected participants will be residents from Serbia, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
    • 40 of the selected participants will be residents from Romania;
    • 20 of the selected participants will be residents from other EU countries except Romania;
    • 20 out of 100 participants, no matter the nationality, will be active in a NGO.
  • 10,000 informed peoplecoming from EU (6,000) and Western Balkans (4,000)


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]DISEMINATION ACTIVITIES[/highlight]

In order to ensure the multiplication effect of the project, a roundtable will be organised inviting NGOs representatives from local and international environment.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]CONTACT DETAILS:[/highlight]

Fundatia Corona
Address: Iaşi, 1A Bld. Chimiei, floor 2
Telephone: +40 232 244 530
Fax: +40 232 244 536
E-mail: roxana.diaconescu@fundatiacorona.org
Contact person: Roxana Romanica, Project Manager

SPARK Organisation
Address: Amsterdam, De Ruyterkade107-II
Telephone: +31 207 530 311
Fax: +31 207 530 376
E-mail: G.Shkodra@spark-online.org
Contact person: Guri Shkodra, Partner’s Coordinator