„Who rules the EU? – We do, we do!”.

aug. 4, 2015 | Proiecte 2014

[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]GENERALITIES:[/highlight]

Corona Foundation from Romania in partnership with Ecovas Association from Romania, International Development Alliance from Bulgaria and Association „Professional Forum for Education” from Bulgaria implements starting with 1st of January 2014 the project „Who rules the EU? –We do, we do!”. The total budget of the project is 40.965 EUR out of which 75% represents non-reimbursement financing up to the value of 30.723,75 EUR..


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]OBJECTIVE:[/highlight]

The project targets to support the active involvement of 40 young people from Romania and Bulgaria in the democratic life of EU by stimulating online discussions with regard to the European Parliamentary elections from this spring.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]ACTIVITIES:[/highlight]

The project envisages the organisation of a training session in Romania on the subject of European Parliamentary elections, session which will include presentations, analyses and debates regarding the European Parliament institution and present and past parliamentary elections. During the event, a video will be created with the support of the participants and posted on socialisation networks. The video will encourage e-citizens to participate in the voting process. The training session will be accompanied by an awareness raising campaign held in the online environment through discussion groups.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]TARGET GROUP[/highlight]

Young people which respect the following requirements:

  • Age between 18 and 30 years old;
  • Citizens from Romania or Bulgaria;
  • Minimum high school education;
  • Minimum knowledge in English (conversational level);

Additional, minimum 10 of the selected participants will have to come from rural areas and minimum 20 to have few economic opportunities.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]CONTACT INFO[/highlight]

More details regarding the project you can obtain from Roxana Romanica, Project Manager, Corona Foundation, e-mail: roxana.romanica@fundatiacorona.ro, tel: 0232.244.530.


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]PARTICIPANT SELECTION[/highlight]

Fundatia Corona recruteaza!


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]RESULTS[/highlight]


[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]OTHERS[/highlight]

For more details on EU available funds please visit:


This project is financed with the support of the European Commission. This publication (communication) is the sole responsibility of Corona Foundation and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.