[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]GENERALITIES:[/highlight]
The project “Laboratory of common understanding. Experience who I am!” is a 12 months project implemented by Corona Foundation from Romania in partnership with the Association of Citizens “Youth Can” from Macedonia and financed by the European Union through The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), National Programme for Transition Assistance and Institutional Building 2009 managed by Central Financing and Contracting Department within the Ministry of Finance from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The project has a cross border dimension and it is implemented on the territory of Macedonia from 22 of December 2013 until 21 of December 2014.
[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]GOAL:[/highlight]
The goal of the project is to increase the awareness degree of young people from Macedonia with respect to ethnic minorities’ rights. The project will mobilize local, national and international resources, and will rely on the involvement of NGOs members which will be trained to become „Minorities supporters”.
[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]ACTIVITIES[/highlight]
The main activities will consists of organization of one training session on ethnic minorities’ rights subject, implementation of a school campaign on ethnic minorities’ rights and organization of one contest in schools. The project seeks to encourage young people to take attitude and to tackle ethnic discrimination in the benefit of a Macedonian democratic society.
- Training 20 Minorities’ Supporters:
Activity no.1 translate the first objective of the project: Increasing the information and involvement degree of 20 NGOs’ members as Minorities’ Supporters with regard to the protection of ethnic minorities’ rights during a Training Session finalised with a Strategy on Ethnic Minorities’ Rights to which 20 schools and 10 NGOs will adhere. The first objective and subsequent activity ensures the involvement of NGOs in the action and capitalise their experiences in the field. It consists in targeting the recruitment, motivation and formation of 20 young people as Minorities’ Supporters with different ethnic backgrounds from 10 local NGOs. The Minorities’ Supporters will be trained in European and national regulations regarding minorities’ rights, cases of abuses, methods for combating discrimination. Under the same objective, the Minorities’ Supporters will develop a Strategy on Ethnic Minorities’ Rights in schools.
- Awareness raising campaign:
Activity no.2 translate the second objective of the project: Raising awareness about ethnic minorities’ rights among 4.000 pupils by organising a campaign in 20 schools involving 20 Minorities’ Supporters in distributing 4.000 informative brochures and organizing 200 debates. The objective responds to the need of the target group for being informed and sensitised regarding ethnic minorities’ rights. The project is aiming at changing the knowledge and attitudes of 4.000 youngsters coming from 20 schools which are attended by 2 or more ethnic groups in order to create an environment of tolerance for minorities.
- Organising the Contest:
Activity no.3 translate the third objective of the project: Developing the frame for the pupils to act as “watch dogs” of ethnic minorities’ rights by organising a Contest “I am part of Macedonia” opened to 4.000 pupils and involving at least 100 of them and by transferring their experiences to decision making agents at local and national level. In order to get involved and to promote and practice the cause of the ethnic minorities’ rights, the pupils will take part in a contest for identifying cases of ethnic minorities’ rights abuses. The contest will become a powerful formative instrument preparing young people to become “watch dogs” of human rights.
[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]TARGET GROUP[/highlight]
- 20 NGO members formed as Minorities’ Supporters during a 5 days training session;
- 10 NGOs will raise their organisational capacity by training and mobilising their members and by adhering to the Strategy on Ethnic Minorities’ Rights;
- minimum 4.000 pupils will be informed and sensitized with regard to Ethnic Minorities’ Rights by receiving brochures and by participating to 200 debates;
- minimum 100 pupils acting as “watch-dogs” in identification of cases of ethnic minorities’ rights abuse inside the Contest “I am part of Macedonia!”;
- 20 schools (pupils, boards, teachers) will benefit of informative materials and by adhering to the Strategy on Ethnic Minorities’ Rights;
- 100 relevant institutions and organisation at local and national level will benefit of the experiences of pupils as “Watch dogs” of ethnic minorities’ rights;
[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]DISEMINATION ACTIVITIES[/highlight]
In order to ensure the multiplication effect of the project, a final brochure will be drafted. The brochure will comprise the most valuable applications from the contest “I am part of Macedonia”. The brochure will be distributed to 100 relevant institutions and organisations at Macedonian national level including the 20 school boards and the 10 NGOs which adhered to the Strategy on Ethnic Minorities’ Rights. Other relevant institutions which will benefit on the final brochure are: specialized institutions and organizations involved in monitoring and decision making processes regarding ethnic issues from Macedonia (Government, Parliament, Ombudsman Institution, Department for Protection of Minorities Rights, different NGOs, and local European Commission office). The brochure will be posted on the project webpage.
[highlight background=”” color=”” line=”0″]CONTACT DETAILS:[/highlight]
Fundatia Corona
Address: Iasi, Str. Pacurari, nr. 21, Romania
Fax: +40 232 244 536
Telephone: +40 232 244 530
E-mail: roxana.diaconescu@fundatiacorona.ro
Contact person: Roxana Romanica, Project Manager
Association of Citizens “Youth Can”
Address: Skopje, Str. Dratoviti 11b, Macedonia
Telephone: +389 708 684 86
E-mail: ivan.jovanov@youthcan.org.mk
Contact person: Ivan Jovanov, Partner’s Coordinator